Middle Aged Men on Skateboards

How old are you?

Recently, I found myself arriving at an office building with my skateboard tucked under my arm, only to be greeted by one of my peers with a disapproving look and the question, "How old are you?". As a 45-year-old software entrepreneur, I have become familiar with the stigma of doing things outside of the norm.

10 minutes later as I observed the same person who questioned my choice of transportation complain about their long walk from their car due to limited parking, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that my unconventional approach had saved me both time and frustration.

As a niche software entrepreneur, I am no stranger to the discomfort of operating outside of many societal norms.

The endurance coaching profession itself also exists beyond the bell curve of conventional expectations, but I want to explore how embracing the unconventional, inside our industry, can help us stand out in a crowded field.

You can read the full blog post here Middle Aged Men on Skateboards

Or watch the video version on Youtube here

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Middle Aged Men on Skateboards
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